The scholarship fund enables dozens of children to experience the Summer of a lifetime. Last year our scholarship fund allocated thousands in full and part camp scholarships. In the current financial climate we expect the demand to be even higher. We appreciate your support!



 Scholarship requests:

Please click here to apply for a scholarship. Scholarships granted on first come first serve base upon availability of funds.

Contribute to the Fund:
Yes! I would like to support the Scholarship Fund. I would like to contribute:
Complete Summer:
1 week
My Personal Information:


City:           ST:  Zip:



  My Payment Information:

Credit card number:
Expiration: Month Year
Security code:       Billing zip  
In honor/memory of:
Please acknowledge my gift to my email address
Please acknowledge my gift to the above street address

Recurring Donation:

I want to join the Chai Club! Please charge my card monthly